
Beading is a fun craft that allows you to learn new techniques. It also broadens your imagination and gives you opportunity to earn money. I always go for these three reasons. I just love to make my hands busy and to try new crafts.

I learned to sew a few years back. I made bags and earned from it. I also sewn few of my clothes, my daughter’s and my sister’s graduation blouse. I learned to needlework gowns and blouses too.

I have learned to cook dishes and bake goodies. But I never attempted to make money out of it. I just want my husband and kids to taste good and palatable food. So, I desire to improve my cooking skill from simply survival cooking to better cooking, if not advanced. LOL!!!

Right now, I am into beading accessories, bag charms and mobile charms. I am fascinated with accessories. I do wear them and so I want to learn making some of these girl stuff. Lo and behold, I was able to make earrings, bracelets and necklaces. I invested in beading tools and bought crystals, gem stones, charms, wires, locks and a lot of  gewgaws. My trinketry has allowed me to make handiwork. I am having fun learning to quirk, bead, twist, crimp, and clasp beading materials.

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